This webpage exists to connect you to the ‘GO Movement’
The GO Movement started as ‘Global Outreach Day’ in 2012.
- It has been the largest outreach mobilisation effort in all of human history, every time it has happened since then.
- It is a broad-reaching, internationally united effort – to see the body of Christ moving it’s people beyond talk about evangelism, to actually do something.
GO Day – A day for evangelism, timed for the last Saturday of May (timed for Pentecost).
GO Month – A month of focus for those desiring a longer focus-point.
GO Decade – The vision hundreds (and probably thousands) of ministries and denominations are united in globally.
There is nothing small about this. It exceeds all expectation – now seeing tens of millions mobilised for GO Day at the very least, while measured responses to the gospel internationally in the same month are also counted in the tens of millions, as per reports from coordinators of activities who now exist in most nations on the planet.
For more info