Sampler Tracts


Ever felt embarrassed at the outdated content and graphics of an old ‘gospel tract’?

You are not alone! However, booklets can still work, because people are still spiritually hungry. The question is how they are written and presented. The spiritual conversation needs engaging differently as compared to 50 years ago!
These ‘tracts’ and booklets are written with this in mind. Quality paper; full colour; great graphics; and content that is gentle and humble in tone – yet which builds a clear case for faith in God, and in Christ, our Saviour.
But do you forget to use such resources? These are for 6 specific circumstances – so the 6 different circumstances remind you to take one along.
Why not check them out?

36 pages, full colour, quality paper, quality content with gentle tone.

Individual booklets/’tracts’ sold in packs of ten.
Due to international shipping costs, we only send this sampler pack to NZ addresses.

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The benefits of using our mini-booklets…

  • The topics can relate.
  • They are easy to read.
  • The gentle tone doesn’t cause offense (we are in a multi-religious society), so they are more likely to be read cover-to-cover.
  • They can get people thinking again about spiritual things.
  • In general, ‘tracts’ / booklets don’t get intimidated and then decide not to share the message, like people sometimes do.
  • Booklets go into homes – and when they do, they stay there!
  • They also put things in simple words that we might otherwise struggle to find words to express.
  • …and they work! People to read them. Faith does get inspired. God does touch hearts!
Additional Information
Weight 0.25 kg
Dimensions 5 × 75 × 105 mm


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