Showing 1–12 of 18 results
Patuone the Peacemaker (Series 1, Book 4)
Elizabeth Colenso – the Teacher (Series 1, Book 5)
The Tale of Elizabeth Colenso — the Teacher (Junior Series, Book 5)
The Tale of Patuone — the Peacemaker (Junior Series, Book 4)
Te Pahi – The Adventurer (Series 1, Book 2)
Ruatara – and the New Beginning (Series 1, Book 3)
Chronicles of Paki Junior series 1-5
Te Pōwhiri – The Welcome (Series 1, Book 1)
He Whakaputanga — The Declaration of Independence
Henry Williams the Peacemaker (Series 2, Book 1)
Ngākuku, Tārore and the Little Book (Series 2, Book 2)
Octavius Hadfield the Friend of the Tangata Whenua (Series 2, Book 4)