The good-news gospel message not only has a specific content - if not stated with passion, vision, hope, love AND URGENCY - it's potentially not yet communicated. What might restoring the art of gospel preaching...

While sad when a congregational location needs closing, adjusting HOW we do this can generate encouragement, life and even new growth. This is an important reflection for those overseeing many congregations....

For how long should we live in the pain of the past, telling negative stories? What of balancing stories? When and how will our Treaty issues actually be resolved? The only possible answer is GRACE!...

I am completely blown away by a gospel effort connecting with 1.7m homes. Here is information about it so you know what GOD has orchestrated on our behalf!...

This article is an invitation to you to join us in some simple efforts that could help to bring nativity scenes back into view. We are aware that the nativity story naturally springs from and...

As part of Hope Project Christmas here are some adaptions of existing ideas that we (the Hope Project team) think could really work. This is about nothing more than getting a little bit creative...