12 Sep, 2010 Introducing an enCOURAGEment blog
A personal reflection
This blog is about stepping out of our comfort zones to bring our message of hope to others. It is an enCOURAGEment blog!
I think continually on the great challenge given to the Christian Church, to take its message of hope (the gospel) to all the earth. Its a challenge that needs to be ‘re-accomplished’ in every generation. Its a challenge that also still has untouched frontiers, with approximately 2000 ‘unreached’ people groups still in existence today.
Jesus said that the gospel would go to all the earth, and THEN He would return (Matthew 25:14). We do not know just how meticulous God will be on this point — but it is possible the ‘end’ will be held off for this purpose — that God wants the full existing variety of people groups in heaven (God is an artist)!
So, I will share thoughts on reaching out — some from general reflection, some from the Scriptures, and some from my experiences along the way. Currently I am a pastor at Bartley Christian Church in Singapore. We’re about to pack our bags (and belongings) to return to New Zealand at the end of this year after almost nine years in Asia. ‘We’ refers to myself, my wife Heather, and our 2.5 kids. It will be an exciting adventure, and I know from previous experience that the Lord will be faithful at every point, and meet every need.
There is nothing better, or more worth while, than going on adventure with God. So, if you join me to read any of these — I hope they encourage you.
😉 Dave