If you want to get the ATC Member-Mobilisation Strategy started in your church to see change in your evangelistic culture, then it’s important to have a team behind you.
Take your leadership team through a workshop to inspire them and to work together to make a plan. The zip file has a powerpoint and notes ready for you to go. But if you would like us to take this initial workshop with your leadership team, email Dave and we will gladly help if available.
If chosen habits are applied consistently, they will become your church’s natural habits — and the whole thing flies. The point here is to establish some well-considered new habits to get observable results (because results in this area are very important)!
Who in your leadership team might be suitable to be a 2IC to you in this? Who has leadership ability, the respect of your members, your trust — and gospel passion?
Why? What if you move churches — who sustains this? What if you take a sabbatical break? What if you become busy with another area of church life, and forget to apply your chosen new habits? It’s important to have someone who can stand up and sustain them so they have a chance to become your natural habits, and a part of your new evangelistic culture.
After each year you are encouraged to (a) fill out the attached 10 minute survey and then (b) set a meeting date for your key leaders / elders board to review your years efforts and successes so you can modify your plans for the following year to ensure increasing effectiveness.
Please be in touch if you are interested to see if we can help.
Alongside the various resources we have freely available to you via the ‘Resources’ page to help you equip your church members, we also encourage pastors to read at least one book per year about evangelism. NZ-written books we provide include:
‘The Elephant in the Room’ by Dave Mann is a book for church leaders. It seeks to address an area of neglect that many seem disinterested in discussing: Evangelism is often in the ‘too hard basket’ in our churches, yet is integral to our mission. It’s the elephant in the room!
However, this book is only written because Dave believes there is hope. There is a way forward! Specifically, there are now solutions on the table that could remedy the current situation. They are profound — yet simple. The question is, are we ready to read, consider and apply them?
$20 plus postage
‘The Life Transformers’ by John and Yvonne Walton
This is an effective soul-winning and disciple making program that has proved a real success throughout Australia and New Zealand. My wife Yvonne and I have won and discipled hundreds of people to Christ over the last forty years. Scores of these people are serving the Lord in Mission and leadership of Churches in NZ and overseas. Our practical experience is shared in this book. You will be inspired and motivated in soul winning that anyone can be part of, and you don’t have to be an extrovert evangelist type.
>> The Pizza Illustration This strategy is a pizza base.
>> Monthly enCOURAGEments Insights to inspire and encourage.
>> Small Groups The mission of the small group.
>> Vision Tour Church leaders – get together, get inspired.
>> Resources for your leadership team, your congregation and for outreach.