20 Aug, 2015 NEW RESOURCE-Reaching people you don’t know
New video equipping series: ‘Reaching people you don’t know’ with Stu Millar
Hi there pastor. Please don’t overlook this amazing new and concise video-equipping resource. We do not know of its equal – and it is free online!
A new video-tutorial resource titled ‘Reaching people you don’t know” has been released by Stu Millar of Train To Proclaim, in partnership with ourselves at the Shining Lights Trust. It is unique. You really must check it out! (View the humorous short promo below – then view them all via a link at the bottom of this page).
ABOUT WHAT? While it is the role of pastors to help their members reach out to those they know, God puts it on the hearts of some to reach out beyond the limits of their relationships to people they don’t know. But sometimes they do it badly. Sometimes we are embarrassed by their antics. Sometimes they become too strong-minded in their views, criticise their churches, and see many faults with their pastors – because they feel that evangelism isn’t being given due recognition. Problems follow, the evangeliser is sidelined, and few are being helped – all while the original intent was good! How could this be fixed?
FROM THE DVD COVER: About 10% of those in our churches have a natural passion to reach out to strangers. But few are working in harmony with their church leaders, and are often sidelined and under-utilised. There are tensions here that are seldom spoken about. How can key church leaders and evangelisers work together to reach their communities for Christ?
This series will help to resolve issues of contention and help key leaders to harness the strengths of their most passionate evangelisers. It includes 10 five minute videos, and each includes a discussion guide, to help develop a team.
WHAT MOTIVATED STU: After 20 years of working with Churches in Australia and New Zealand he has seen these problems too many times. Yet he also works with churches who have healthy evangelism groups – so knows things can be better. He believes the situation could be improved for many churches and evangelisers!
WHAT MOTIVATED US: As co-producer and initiator of the effort, Dave Mann saw the same challenges, had the same belief, and could think of no one better for this resource than Stu. Why? In seasons of Stu’s live he has sought to communicate the gospel with one person he didn’t know every single day – and has continued this for extended periods. In doing this Stu models a natural, respectful, gentle and clear-thinking approach – the kind of approach that most pastors would love to see their more passionate evangelisers embrace!
WHAT IS THE END GOAL FOR THOSE WHO USE THE (FREE) RESOURCE: The goal is to help churches establish evangelism teams that are trusted by their pastors, and who represent Christ and his Church well to the unchurched. “Our more passionate evangelisers are a gift to us from God” says Millar. “They are an untapped resource.” “Imagine what could happen if we could work this problem out!” “I know churches who are doing this right -so things don’t have to be stay they are. Change is possible, and we’ve created this resource to help”.
CHECK IT OUT NOW – FREE ONLINE! The best way for you to be introduced to this new resource is to watch the first video. All the videos are exactly 5 minutes long. Check it out at AllTogether.co.nz/reachingpeople
DVD OPTION: If useful, you can purchase this on a DVD (with the discussion questions built into the DVD layout) from us at AllTogether.co.nz (admin@shininglights.co.nz) or from Stu in Australia via TrainToProclaim.com (stu@traintoproclaim.com).