05 Mar, 2015 Hope Project finding positive results throughout nation
Did the Hope Project national gospel effort last October work, causing New Zealanders to engage in spiritual conversations?
‘Yes’ is the answer the Hope Project team are hearing. Courtesy calls to pastors throughout the nation are uncovering a trail of conversations between church and non-church people. Put together, they form a very encouraging picture.
Many people who delivered booklets to the doors of ‘no circulars’ houses had conversations that excited them. One pastor, on the first house he visited, met someone who had once visited their church, resulting in them coming back! In another church a young man came to their Christianity Explored course after reading a booklet. A church up north had three new families attend following the media effort. Another pastor had a new visitor, who came to faith on their first visit to the church. Many are commenting on the way the Hope Project is helping their members confidently start spiritual conversations with friends and relatives. A pastor of an elderly congregation commented that the project exceeded all expectations; rejoicing that her members were finding a new confidence to share their faith. From various places there is feedback that the project is helping unite churches, with the Church’s mission as their focus.
“We’re encouraged,” says project coordinator, Dave Mann. “It is difficult to measure results in an effort like this – however 1.5 million homes just had an opportunity to hear and understand the Christian message, and 50,000 church people were prepared to some extent by their pastors to engage the conversation. The feedback is consistent; evangelism has been in the ‘too hard box’ in many churches for many years, and it’s finding its way out. This can only spell good news for our country!”
The second of the three phases of the media effort begins in May this year, with a second booklet going to homes throughout New Zealand early in May. New Zealand is leading the way in taking the gospel to every home repeatedly through media, to initiate a conversation. Churches are encouraged to make the most of this opportunity. See AllTogether.co.nz to support and find out more.