
Engaging your world one conversation at a time.


Various denominational leaders are recommending their Churches and members consider partnership with this project. These leaders currently are:

  • Ps IIiafi Esera — Assemblies of God
  • Peter Eccles — Congregational Union Of New Zealand
  • Peter Cheyne — Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Rasik Ranchord — New Life Churches International
  • Mark Whitfield — Lutheran Church of New Zealand
  • Rev Dr Richard Waugh — Wesleyan Methodist Church of New Zealand
  • Lloyd Rankin — Vineyard Churches of New Zealand
  • Donald Bell and team – Salvation Army
  • Neville Bartle — Church of the Nazarene
  • Rt Rev Ross Bay — Anglican Diocese of Auckland


“This is the best presentation of a Gospel project I’ve ever seen.”
— Rev Phil Woodmass, South Taranaki.

“I loved what you shared last night. For me, it is the best thing I have heard for 15 years on how to take the gospel to our culture.”
— Ps Alistair Hall, Manukau City Baptist Church

“This evangelism conference is the best I’ve  been to: Inspiring, motivational, practical, well-presented, well organised.”
— Hamilton Conference Attendee

“It made me feel like a new Christian all over again.” (referring to the inner excitement and joy ‘mystically’ experienced by many when they choose to place their faith in Jesus.
— Attendee, Palmerston North Conference

Lew Meyer-smll

To Church Leaders:

The 2014 bicentenary of the gospel has created a unique opportunity for us, and the ‘Hope Project’ can help us utilize it well. This is firstly an opportunity for every literate kiwi to hear and think about the gospel. While they may not all come to Christ, most will have had the opportunity. However, secondly, we have an opportunity to help many believers to re-engage in gospel work – and at a pace and level that is achievable for them. Because the projects content will be communicated through public media, all a believer will need to do is to direct their friends to what is in their letterboxes, or a website. Gospel efforts have  rarely been so easy! It is increasingly difficult to get believers in New Zealand to engage those around them in conversations about faith. Here we have an opportunity not only to talk about the gospel very publicly – but also to help many timid believers to re-engage in outreach efforts with those they know. This is important, and I’m hoping New Zealand believers will get behind this national initiative, because we need it!

Lew Meyer |  Director – OAC (Outreach and Church)

To Church Leaders:

Samuel Marsden travelled around the world to bring the gospel to strangers who had never heard it. Today our neighbours may never have heard a version of the good news of Jesus that they can understand, and the responsibility rests with us. “Jesus – All About Hope” is a serious, coordinated and well thought-through, attempt to again bring the gospel to this nation. It is contemporary and respectful. It is ambitious, seeking to bring the gospel to every household. And yet, maybe it is also do-able if New Zealand Christians work together. The goal is certainly worthwhile. The main campaign will raise awareness of the gospel and provide an opportunity for individual Christians and churches to build on that platform. This could be the start of a new era for our country. I encourage you to check it out and prayerfully decide whether this is something God wants you to support. Imagine the impact if Christians did work together.

Peter Cheyne | Presbyterian Moderator
Iliafi Esera-smll

To Church Leaders:

The year 2014 will be the bicentenary of the gospel in New Zealand, and the ‘Jesus – all about hope’ project is seeking to share the gospel, and its history, with every home in New Zealand. However, if this is to happen as planned it will require partnership with people and Churches in every community who love the Lord, love our Nation and who believe that this vision is both possible and necessary.  Please consider this project and whether there might be a part in it for you and your Church, helping make it happen in your community in 2014.

Ps Iliafi Esera | General Superintendent – Assemblies of God, New Zealand

To Church Leaders:

“Hope is intrinsic to the gospel of Jesus Christ. I commend Dave Mann and his ‘Jesus – all about hope’ concept which, to my analysis, is a contemporary and contextualised way of building a sound case for Christian belief in our pluralistic society. We need a prominent and national outreach in 2014 – for this is the 200th anniversary of the gospel coming to New Zealand. This ‘Hope Campaign’ may well be it. I encourage you to invite Dave to share with you.

Rev. Dr Richard Waugh | National Superintendent, Wesleyan Methodist Church of New Zealand, Chairman of Auckland Church Leaders Meeting and Chairman of National Church Leaders Meeting
Glyn C-smll

To Church Leaders:

“The bicentenary of the gospel in New Zealand in 2014 is a really big deal. It is not far away, and it represents a significant opportunity to tell Kiwis about the Christian faith. ‘Jesus – all about hope’ is a strategy which could really help the church do it well. I strongly encourage you to check it out to see how it can help your church or denomination take advantage of the opportunity 2014 presents.”

Glyn Carpenter | National Director, New Zealand Christian Network

To all believers:

“Many are post-Christian in their worldview, attitudes and lifestyles. In the re-evangelisation of New Zealand, every church, every ministry and every gift is needed, and to state the obvious, we must do more than we are now doing. The Hope Project will connect with many of these people in a way nothing else will, using their language and media. As Paul said, “…and how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” (Romans 10:14). If we all support this church-wide and country-wide vision, it will happen and the nation will hear the gospel of hope in 2014.”

Rev Dr Bruce Patrick | MissionKoru, working with denominations and Christian agencies for the re-evangelisation of New Zealand. President, Baptist Union of NZ
d Bell-smll

To Church Leaders:

The Hope Project is an exciting opportunity for Christians in New Zealand to join together and celebrate the bicentenary of the gospel in New Zealand while providing a way for the church to be proactive in sharing the good news of the Gospel with the wider population. The proposed campaign is designed in such a way that the church can be mobilised in coordinated mission that has the potential to capture the hearts of New Zealander’s for Christ. I commend Dave Mann for his obedience to God’s call in this regard and encourage all church leaders to consider how you and your people can be engaged

Commissioner Donald Bell | Salvation Army

To Church Leaders:

The Lutheran Church of New Zealand (Te Hāhi Rūtana o Aotearoa) thanks God for the opportunity it has had to proclaim the good news of Jesus to Kiwis for over 170 years.  While we are a relatively small denomination, we have delighted in taking our place alongside the other churches who have contributed to the 200 year history of gospel proclamation in Aotearoa-New Zealand.  We are excited to be part of the Hope Project and to proclaim Jesus as the hope for our nation in 2014 and beyond.

Pastor Mark Whitfield | President, Lutheran Church of New Zealand