This book is only written because Dave believes there is hope. There is a way forward! Specifically, there are now solutions on the table that could remedy the current situation. They are profound — yet simple. The question is, are we ready to read, consider and apply them?
This book is about the function of the Church at the city and national levels. Why don’t we work together more — or is it that we can’t? The answer lies in our thinking. We’ve been led to believe that our functional unity is an idealism, when it’s actually the very thing Jesus prayed for (John 17). While some character-flaws might inhibit it, the Holy Spirit was given to help of us overcome these too (Galatians 5:22-23)! So here is a highly practical book that discusses cultural trends, what we could do together in view of them, and how united leadership might be released — all based on the foundational belief that, because the Holy Spirit is with us, more really is yet possible!
Introduction: Public media and education shape perspectives. Excluding Christian messages can make them seem irrelevant, and negative portrayals can harm our faith’s image. To counter this, we need to speak up more. This book focuses on the art of storytelling to share Christian ideas effectively in public. Let our stories be heard!
In summary of the lesson of this short book: Stories can be told in everyday conversation (or in talks) in which a reason for faith is the secondary component, not the primary. As the art of this kind of storytelling is caught, it will begin to affect EVERY COMMUNICATION EFFORT WE MAKE!
This boxed set of 7 booklets are well researched, with references to recognised experts in a wide range of areas. They include many images, illustrations and quotations which enhance interest and engagement with the text (which totals 240 pages across the 7 booklets).
This is a quality print product in every way, remarkably concise for what it communicates, easy to read, and in a cover sleeve designed to look good on a shelf.
They can be used as a standalone resource, or in combination with the 7 videos & discussion guides available at
Purchase hardcopy set of 7 booklets including cover sleeve here
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A fresh take on traditional gospel tract, this booklet presents the core gospel message through thought-provoking questions, blending apologetics, history, and scripture in a simple and engaging way.
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Why do we celebrate Christmas and Easter and where did these festivals come from?
This simple booklet examines the history behind Christmas and Easter
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If I’d been been given a book like this when I started out in Youth and Young Adults leadership I think it would have made a HUGE difference!
This book is only available online. And its FREE!
We pray these are both helpful and used.
Dave Mann, Daniel Chua, Mark Poh