09 May, 2017 PastorsOnly
For there to be a way forward in outreach in NZ, a change is needed in the way that pastors think about ‘the Church.’
Are you feeling a little uncomfortable with this comment? Join the club – but please read on!
Instead of thinking about the 4 walls of their own congregation – or the 4 walls of their own denomination or movement – or even the 4 walls of their own city or town – we must develop a perspective in church leaders in Aotearoa that recognises that we are each a sub-division of a bigger picture to which we are accountable. The problem here is that this is a voluntary accountability (to one another). But if we don’t ‘submit’ to it, the Church becomes disabled.
This therefore raises the difficult but very important question of how we define all this!
And – while an uncomfortable topic for some, all pastors who value in the importance of the Church being engaged in the various spheres of influence within each community will understand why it needs discussing.
Please join us. It costs $50 in addition to your conference registration, and includes breakfast and lunch.
Three topics:
- How might we strengthen the outreaching culture of our churches?
- How might we strengthen the outreaching culture of our cities/towns?
- How might we strengthen the outreaching culture of our nation?
The three speakers on these three topics will be (in order)
- Tony Collis (Pastor of Hope Centre Levin, and noted outreach leader in NZ with over 3 decades of experience including evangelistic leadership, church planting, house church planting in NZ and Asia, authoring 3 books – one of which is internationally read among house-church-planting movements, and ‘regular’ pastoring).
- David Dishroon (Pastor of Changepoint Church, Tauranga) who has proactively pursued a vision of Church unity within the Tauranga Moana (area) spanning three decades.
- Dave Mann (Previous pastor, Director of Shining Lights Trust, and a strategic outreach initiator and innovator).
Each speaker will share thoughts – and then there will be discussion.
Where and when: 8am – 1pm, Manukau City Baptist (prior to the official conference start at 2pm)
For whom: For Pastors and Ministers’ Group Conveners around NZ only
Cost: $50 (Breakfast and lunch included)
To register – Option 1: Email dave@shininglights.co.nz to register – and we will invoice you for the $50.
To register – Option 2: Register at the engage registration page here
- And type ‘Pastors morning’ in the field that asks for any dietary requirements (so we can distinguish this from a ‘general’ conference registration – which needs doing separate, or do it at the same time by adding the amounts)
- https://alltogether.co.nz/registerforengage/