16 Oct, 2017 When churches work together
What could togetherness look like?
The above video is from a large gathering of churches in Florida who are now working together. It is an amazing example of what a united effort could look like!
- If you wanted to read more about what is in the video, check it out at https://www.churchunited.city
My own belief that, in the same way that a church small group leader is accountable to their pastor/church’s leadership team, the pastor of a local church is accountable to the city Church.
- In other words, there is only one Church in each geographic place – made up of all who love Jesus
- And I believe it ESSENTIAL that church workers work together in their cities and towns, to pray and plan, so as to best serve their city or town.
- A local pastors’ primary accountability is to the Church locally (all the churches together) – while they must at the same time give due respect to the denominational structure that they are a part of, appreciating the other purposes that this can fulfil.
- God’s favour will surely come upon such a united approach in each city and town!
I’ve been involved with pastors’ and youth pastors groups for about 25 years now — but have deliberately never analysed the bigger picture (of all these groups as one ‘unit’). Just over a year ago I felt God stirring my heart to reflect upon this area. As a result, this past year our team discussed this topic with pastors’ group sin almost 60 of NZs cities and towns. We articulated some of the key changes in thinking we believe are needed if city unity, with a view to transforming society in a greater way, is to come about. Some responded with considerable enthusiasm — while others had very little to say. Overall, I was encouraged!
And we are not alone in this focus. To give some context: I suggest that the majority of pastors in NZ do not value this area currently. However if a number of people begin to talk about it, and articulate the need changes in thinking, while valuing it with their time, and in prayer — all this can be catalytic for a change!
Below is an amazing 1.45min video on something amazing happening in the UK. I felt inspired to see what they are doing.
Regarding my own plans: I intend to study what others are doing in this area, and to find people to partner with — and to possibly serve their vision in this area (as I have no heart for the potential politics involved in ‘who should lead?’ etc.). In addition, I suspect I will write something about this topic in an effort to help thinking change — so the unity of churches in our nation’s cities and towns is valued more highly. (It will by no means be a definitive work — just another catalytic tool, serving a purpose at a given time, based on things learnt from pastors in about 80 different pastors’ groups I’ve had the honour of visiting here in NZ in the past 6 years, visiting some of these 6 times in that period).
For me, my interest relates to a broader vision for ‘activism’ within society, within which I believe geographic pastors’ groups have a vital role.
Here is the amazing promo video I mentioned from the UK. The movement is called ‘Gather’ (http://www.gather.global). This 1.45mins of promotion stirred my heart!
DAVE MANN. Dave is an Author and gifted communicator with a passion for the Gospel. This passion started when he came to faith at age 11. After Secondary School he went straight to Bible College, followed by 7 years in outreach ministry in New Zealand, then nearly 9 as a pastor in Singapore, before returning to New Zealand at the end of 2011. Dave is a visionary and fearless about pioneering initiatives aimed at helping the Church in New Zealand in the area of its mission. Author of various books and Tracts including “Because we care”, “That Leaders might last”, “The Elephant in the Room” and available free on this site: “The what and how of Youth and Young Adult ministry”.