13 Mar, 2017 1. Thankfulness – where prayer begins
Getting started

Have you ever struggled to focus when talking with someone, and as a result lost you train or thought – or even worse, started daydreaming while you were supposed to be listening? What happened?
A look at the Bible
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanks giving, present your requests to God.”
Philippians 4:6

Do you ever struggle to focus when talking with God? What distracts you?

Why do you think being focused in prayer is so difficult sometimes? I mean, shouldn’t it be easy to focus when we know God is listening and answers all our prayers?

Think of someone you know who is compulsively positive. What difference might a positive and thankful attitude make in life?

What difference might a thankful attitude make in your prayer life?
Our Response

To get started, list ten things that you are thankful to God for right now.

Would you be willing to stop at a given time each day in the next week to thank God for 10 more things?
Dear God, thank you for loving us, and for always working for our good . Please help us to develop a more thankful attitude toward you so that our faith in you will be strengthened, and our confidence in prayer increased. Right now, I thank you for 10 things in my life…
In Jesus name we pray