03 Aug, 2015 2. God has revealed Himself through history
Discussion Questions
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Getting started

What is the biggest height you have ever accidentally fallen from? What happened?
A look at the Bible
“The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you”… …so Abram left, as the Lord had told him…”
Genesis 12:1-4
The above verses are the beginning of God’s revealing of himself to Abraham, beginning a long chain of events through which God revealed what he is like to Abraham and his descendants — for the purpose of all nations on earth being able to observe and learn from this. Abraham was a pagan, serving angry God’s (not loving, friendly or just) who they feared and sacrificed to (not only animals, but sometimes children) in the hope of some protection from their unpredictable anger.
Abraham had enough faith to trust a voice that came to him amongst all this from God. He did not yet know what God was like. His experiences — and those of his descendants (Israel), taught them what God was like. We have the record of this in the Bible, leading to what we Christians believe is God’s fullest revelation of himself in Jesus.

Can you see why a person who chooses not to believe a God exists would need to say that the Bible is unreliable, irrespective of any evidences?

What other reasons can you see make some people’s mistrusting of the Bible before considering any actual evidences understandable?

Regarding what God is like
a. What sort of things can we reasonably know about God from the Creation? E.g. Orderly, intelligent etc…
b. What do you see as one of the main things we learn about God (and what he is like) from his revealing of himself to us through history?
c. What other things might God’s revelation of himself recorded in the Bible tell us about what God is like? (Add to your list).
Our Response

What did you get out of this session? How does this affect how you view God?
Dear God, thank you for making us relational people, just like you are a relational God. Thank you also for revealing yourself to us so humbly, connecting with us despite our failings, and so often meeting us at a level we can comprehend — rather than overwhelming us and our freewill by making us scared of you, which you could so easily do. You want us to choose you — and I choose you.
Thank you also for preserving the Bible like you have. It is more than intriguing that its turned out to be so well preserved, with more copies than any other book, written earlier, and with verifiable history and predictions, and more. It looks like you knew we’d doubt — and so you helped us through preserving all this information. It is another layer of reassurance you have given us so we can know that our faith in you is well grounded. Thank you.