29 May, 2015 5. Our part in God’s story

Getting started

Can you think of a time when you persevered in helping someone? What happened? Did you succeed in making a difference for them?

To revise this series, what is the overarching message of the Bible? Explain the four points in your own words.

A look at the Bible

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
…the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it — he will be blessed in what he does.

James, Jesus’ brother, as in James 1:22 and 25

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

The Apostle Paul, as in Galatians 6:9

Have you ever tried to help in an area, and felt discouraged by how things went as a result?

There are many things in life that can make us busy and consume our focus. However, it is often said that we will somehow find time for the things that are most important to us. Do you sometimes find yourself too busy to notice the needs of others around you, and to help? What consumes your focus?

Regarding James 1:22 and 25, have you personally experienced finding new focus or strength through reading the Bible? How has God helped you through the Bible? Can you give a specific example?

Our Response

The Bible is our map for life. God reveals himself and his ways to us through it. He speaks to our hearts, gives us focus, and gives us strength. What place do you want the Bible to have in your life?

Where and when will you read the Bible this coming week? What book of the Bible will you start reading in? (As an idea, if you committed to discuss what you read the next time you met, it might help motivate you to read some of the Bible each day in the coming week).


Dear God, thank you for giving us the Bible that reveals not only what you are like, but also your plan for this planet. Thank you that you show us what our part in this plan is, as we read the Bible and listen to the whispers of your Spirit to our heart.

Help us understand how important a gift the Bible is to us. Help us to read, study and obey what it teaches. Please speak to our hearts as we read from the Bible, so we can be encouraged and strengthened for daily life. Help us so that we can become the kind of people you want us to be.

Help us tell of your love, and to show it through all we say and do.

In Jesus name we pray


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