01 Apr, 2016 To fuel your fire #9/11: Do you know just how powerful a coffee can be?
God made humans social creatures – and this means we all enjoy a good conversation. When spiritual topics come up in conversation, it is not difficult to ask a person if they’d be interested to investigate the Christian faith. And if they express openness, it’s not difficult to then say: “Would you like to meet me for a coffee to look at a video and discuss it? I know a great website. It has these 5minute long videos followed by simple discussion questions.” They can only say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ – and if they say yes, 10DayChallenge.co.nz has been created to make these ongoing conversations very easy indeed.
(And if you cannot meet a person again to talk it’s not difficult to give them the weblink – maybe using a 10DayChallenge business card – see https://alltogether.co.nz/printmaterial).
Some of your members could become really effective as witnesses through using this.
A conversation over coffee really isn’t that hard – and most New Zealanders are interested in spiritual things! It’s all in the approach.