08 Apr, 2016 To fuel your fire #10/11: The need for a pattern – our most important offering
Well done on your effort over the past 2 months! As the primary media draws to an end the question is, what now? We’ve given this a lot of thought – and will present some new things to ministers’ groups around the country in a couple of months time. However, there is one thing that surpasses all others in importance in our view (and this will be no different in a few months, years or decades). Please consider what is below carefully.
While you will likely now turn the focus of your pulpit toward other topics, what will come of the training you have given? You know that most of it will be quickly forgotten, right? This is why the way we mobilise our members to their mission needs to become based in a set of habits – rather than in programs. This requires a paradigm-change in thinking for many – but is an important one.
While the Hope Project has communicated the Christian message broadly – and with excellent church engagement (thank you!)… it is still just a program. A program is like a topping on a pizza. The question is, what is the base of the pizza made of (what is the culture of your church really like)?
I’ve once heard it said that many NZ churches have more of a culture of ‘non-evangelism’ than of evangelism. This is a key factor in why outreach programs are hard work and often yield limited results. We are trying to produce results through our programs that are not a natural or authentic extension of our members’ love and passion and effort! What if we could change that culture to become a culture of authentic evangelistic outreach, applied in daily life?
The ‘All Together Strategy’ found at the ATConsulting page at the AllTogether.co.nz website can help (AllTogether.co.nz/ATConsulting). It shows you how you could change the culture of your church in the area of outreach over a three to five year time-span. It’s about shifting outreach from something we do via programs, to being something that we naturally and authentically live out as a part of our every day lives. And by ‘we’ I really mean you – because only YOU can change the culture so evangelism in your church so that it then happens through your MEMBERS (instead of primarily through programs)!
We can show you how to achieve this!
A courageous and talented pastor is no match for 100 mobilised members!
Please check it out – because it is a gift of far greater value than the Hope Project.
We will be contacting ministers’ associations throughout the country to speak to this in July and August this year
- A resurrected national evangelism conference will be taking place in Tauranga on 2-3 September
But we can tell you more about this an other things later on. For now – how about putting the components of the ‘All Together Strategy’ into you planning calendar this year – and every year from now onwards?
To resource you:
- Check out A.T. Consulting at https://alltogether.co.nz/atconsulting/
- Download and read the chapter of the book offered a small way down that page.
- We believe the values and practices that A.T. Consulting represent are our greatest gift to you!