15 Aug, 2019 In One Spirit – Endorsements
What church leaders are saying
With the book just released, pastors and some pastors’ groups are beginning to engage with it. A Closed FB group for church leaders with a vision for their cities has also been started – called Mahi Ngatahi (Working together).
Synopsis: The Church is no longer in the majority. The question this book engages with is how we could become an effectively activated minority. The book considers…
- (1) …various cultural trends that are working for and against the hopes of the wider Christian community, and their possible interplay into the future. This informs our content and methodologies for engagement.
- (2) It then engages a difficult conversation about the role and function of city/town pastors’ groups – with a view to how we might enable and release a clearer ‘Church’ voice in the public square, at the city and national levels.
Here are some of the early endorsements.
Through In One Spirit Dave Mann has given us a lot to think about and pray over concerning our past, present and where we are headed both as a nation and as the Body of Christ. This much needed, ‘big picture’ book is both thought-provoking and timely, particularly for leaders seeking to discern the way forward in their respective cities and towns. Well done Dave.”
Colin Shaw, City By City, NZ (now rebranded MoveNZ)
Dave Mann is prophetically speaking into this nation like few others that I know. He is accurately discerning the times that we live in and giving a clear call in how to respond. This book should be read by all church leaders, elders and teams. But be warned; it will radically challenge your thinking, your priorities and your practise. You will be tempted to dismiss it as too hard and too difficult. But doing the same thing as we have always done is no longer an option. I passionately believe this is God’s word for the church today.”
Keith Harrington, lead Pastor, Invercargill Central Baptist Church; Convenor, Invercargill City Pastors’ Group
It has been said listening to Dave Mann is like drinking from a fire hydrant! Reading material from Dave Mann is also insightful, strategic, contextual and prophetic, but can be consumed at one’s own pace. In his latest book he introduces and builds ideas around Church profile and partnership. This is an important conversation for regional and national churches and a must for every leader. I highly recommended this book.”
Tony Collis, Pastor, Hope Centre Levin and initiator, One Million Children
This book is a must read. Why? David Mann in the first half of the book captures the current Christian story in Aotearoa through articulating cultural trends that are a challenge to the hopes of the Christian community, and how they might play out in the future, and lands his conclusions sensibly, practically and positively.
New Zealand needs changes; In One Spirit is a good place to start…allow this book to ignite your imagination regarding what our commitment to a united effort might look like and be capable of achieving. Your thinking will be challenged. May I encourage you to allow conversations and discussions to begin!”
Nick Klinkenberg, Vision Churches International; church planter & author.
In One Spirit is a gift to the Christian Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand, and quite likely further afield. Dave brings his striking clarity of thought and deep Gospel understanding to an easy-reading, thought-provoking, Kingdom-inspiring book that needs to be read by all church leaders. As Dave helps us to interpret culture and apply Gospel truth, we are introduced to a sharper way of thinking and given a vital lens through which to view the role of the church generally, and the one Church of each city and town specifically. I cannot recommend In One Spirit highly enough as a significant and necessary provocation to the Church — to prioritise unity-on-purpose for the sake of the Kingdom’s advance in our nation and beyond. I personally thank Dave for putting pen to paper — the end-product is a triumph.”
Nigel Irwin, Director, City by City; Convenor, Wanganui Christian Leaders Association; Snr Pastor Wanganui Central Baptist
I’m pleased to see a significant discussion of the Churches participation in New Zealand society taking place, which asks where we might go from here. The material Dave presents is both insightful and all-encompassing, and lays a good foundation for some discussion, and then a great deal of action. As a step on a broader journey — which we are all a part of in our nation, these words issue a challenge to those in local church leadership as to how we could better infuse the Kingdom into our culture again. They could also help to be better positioned to hear and respond to promptings and moves of the Holy Spirit in the future. “You’re still challenging us Dave — good on you!”
John Omundsen, Pastor of 30 years and Christian educator, Hawera.
This book is a timely one in helping to raise awareness, ask needed questions, and could perhaps be a catalyst for ongoing dialogue about the importance of our unity together — in view of what God is doing all over the world, uniting His Church in answer to the Lord’s prayer for his followers to be one. I pray that God will use this book in Aotearoa New Zealand to do just that!”
David Dishroon, Changepoint Church, Tauranga; Facilitator, City pastors’ prayer.
“In One Spirit” will challenge your paradigms and priorities concerning the shared mission of the Church in our cities and nation. Dave challenges us to actively pursue the kind of unity that is necessary for the Church to be agents of cultural change. He provides insight and supporting stories from across the nation coupled with insightful biblical lessons to demonstrate what is possible when we unite with one purpose.
He suggests that in the climate of a post-Christian society, it is necessary to look beyond focusing primarily on the activities of our individual congregations, to engage in missional efforts that only a united Church can achieve. “In One Spirit” takes the concept of unity beyond that of an idealistic notion. It presents strategy on how to bring application. This is a timely, compelling, and empowering resource for the Body of Christ.”
Stephen Hanson, Director, Kairos Company; Initiator, ‘One Voice’ united
For more:
- FB discussion: If you are a church leader with a vision for the city (beyond your own congregation), search out and request to join our closed FB page, called Mahi Ngātahi (Working together).
- Book purchase: See BigBookPublishing.co.nz/product/in-one-spirit
- Article by Dave Mann: For an article on this topic titled, ‘United we staled’, click here.
- Original press release for the book: Click here.