08 Dec, 2015 NEW RESOURCE-a business card with IMPACT!
Sometimes it is the small things that count. Two ‘punches’ have more combined power than one. Imagine if your members, whenever they engaged in a spiritual conversation with a stranger, had something simple to give them that could make a BIG IMPACT? The ’10 Day Challenge’ business cards are such a thing!
Their use
After a conversation your members could refer people to look at the 10 Day Challenge website – but what if the person forgets the name of the website / the URL? A business card is easily stored in a wallet – and these simple pieces of cardboard REALLY CAN MAKE A MASSIVE DIFFERENCE IN SOME PEOPLE’S LIVES!
In addition,
- If a person were interested to continue a conversation, phone numbers could be written on the back
- You could ask us to put your church details on the back (and we will email you the graphics to print)
- And its hard to find something much cheaper, that also sits in any person wallet easily.
Why not download them now, and email them to a printer to get 500?
These cards are found at the ‘print promotions’ page found via the ‘resources’ page at AllTogether.co.nz (https://alltogether.co.nz/printmaterial )
Increasing your members’ effectiveness doesn’t come much easier than this!
(Freely contact us to get your church details added to the reverse side – as at https://alltogether.co.nz/printmaterial).