09 May, 2016 Show them how and they will be moved
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Hi Pastor or Church Leader
[enCOURAGEment outline below – please listen to the audio]
When I came back to NZ 5 years ago many people said that the NZ Church had lost its heart for the gospel
- Illustration: The church evangelism seminar that was poorly attended
- But my experiences led me to disagree
- Illustration: Interviewing those who didn’t go to that seminar.
- The gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe (Romans 1:16)
- The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel… (1 Corinthians 4:4)
In most things in life, mastering the basics is the key to mastering the skill
Illustration: teaching my boys to ride bicycles they needed to learn to balance and turn, pedal and brake. Failure in teaching them to brake properly led to bloodied knees. The point: I didn’t need to teach them to do skids on the lawns or how to land jumps off ramps. That came naturally once the basics were learnt
- It is the same with evangelism
- In our culture today the key skill set is NOT ‘what the gospel is and how to share it’
- Instead the key skill is how to engage a non-threatening two-way spiritual conversation with an average multireigious NZers
- Illustrating the spiritual interest: hitchhikers – two skateboarders, one interested in graffiti – how can only one religion lead to God, and given the wonder of the universe how can there only be life on one planet?
- Illustrating the spiritual interest: hitchhiker – 4 hour conversation, a God who loves, forgives, provides, is present, is good etc… yet without the revelation that his name is Yashua/Jesus.
The member mobilisation strategy at AllTogether.co.nz shows pastors how to build authentic evangelistic culture in their church
- and the sermon outlines and matching studies (+ videos) provide content that makes sense.
- ILLUSTRATION: Many times i’ve seen NZ Christians mobilised where they had been immobilised for many years – through showing them how to engage non-threatening two-way spiritual conversations with nonChurch people.
This is really simple – yet KEY stuff to understand and apply if we want to see members mobilised.
May the Lord make you effective in making your members effective.