A practical equipping book – with resources:
The what and how of Youth and Young Adult Ministry
If I had had been given a book and resource CD like this when I started out in Youth and Young Adults leadership I think it would have made a HUGE difference!
This book is currently only available online. And its FREE!
- You can read it here, or print and read later.
- Each chapter is presented as a web page, and has a link to the next chapter at the conclusion.
- There are also links to downloadable resources — see below.
We pray these are both helpful and used.
Dave Mann, Daniel Chua, Mark Poh
About the Authors
Dave Mann …hails from New Zealand. After studying at Laidlaw College (then called the Bible College of New Zealand) his first full time ministry experience was touring with a Youth for Christ evangelistic band for a year in 1995, when he got to share the gospel with tens of thousands of students throughout New Zealand.
Following this, he pioneered an inter-Church evangelistic ministry with a friend in a rural area in New Zealand, serving the vision of outreach there for nearly seven years. He was able to share the good news of Christ with literally hundreds of young people per week, on average, through that work.
Following this, Dave felt a clear leading from God to come specifically to Bartley Christian Church, in Singapore. There, he assumed the role of Youth and Young Adults Pastor, also serving in various other ministries in the Church, and connecting with many Pastors throughout the nation. Heather, his later wife-to-be, moved to Singapore in 2004, and they were married in 2005. They presently have four young boys.
At the end of 2010, Dave followed the call of God to return to New Zealand to pioneer a new evangelistic ministry, looking at how to encourage evangelism training in Churches, as well as to pioneer ideas and initiatives aiming to share the gospel with as many as possible.
Dave wrote all chapters of this book, except where otherwise stated. These were initially written as a departing ‘gift’ to his leaders, but were then formatted and edited to be made useful for Youth and Young Adults Pastors in general, sharing what he discovered and learnt through 16 years in full time youth ministry, and in particular about Youth and Young Adults Ministry in Singapore.
Daniel Chua …is the Lead Pastor at The City, a church plant from Cornerstone Community Church. He was the youth pastor at Cornerstone before being commissioned and sent out to start a new congregation in a different part of Singapore.
He is also the Director of Ignite Alliance, a relational network of young leaders and churches. Daniel has a passion to see lids removed from people’s lives, and for every man, woman and child to live the God-inspired life to the fullest.
He is married to Joy and has the joy and grace of bringing up four beautiful children.
Mark Poh …is currently the Senior Pastor of Emmanuel Assembly of God. In 1999, he was called by the Lord into full-time ministry after a career of almost 20 years in the I.T. and banking sectors.
Since then, he and his wife Aye Lan have been involved in building up the youth ministry, including pioneering a Young Adults ministry in the church. Both have served in various capacities such as the Church Board, head of adult cell ministry, Sunday school, teaching Christian Education programs and setting up/managing the church’s Playgroup and Before-and-After School Care Centre.
They have been married for more than 25 years and has a teenage daughter,Faithe, who is an amazing gift from the Almighty God.
The free resource CD
The resource CD is purposed as an aid to give young pastors a ‘kick start’ in their ministries. The authors have sought to honour all copyrights, and have requested permission even of material taken from internet websites. With this regard we note we have included just a handful of the most relevant articles on parenting and marriage by Jim Burns. These are intended as a sample to help with a specific purpose, and to show what exists. For many more such articles go to their source: https://www.homeword.com
Click HERE to be taken to the Kick-start resource CD contents page, from where you can down load the Word document resources as a ZIP file.
Copyright information
The book contents are copyright of their authors. The Resource CD contents are copyright of their authors likewise. The book contents may not be published online or in any other publication without the permission of the author concerned, or in any way reproduced or distributed for profit, but we will give permission generously.