03 Mar, 2015 Three questions about brand new Phase II booklets
Dear Partnering Churches,
In the previous update we gave you four options that you could use to run a discussion group in June, following the media effort starting in May with three stages of TV ads running till July, and the brand new Phase II booklet being distributed in the first week of May.
Today we need your response on three things related to YOUR TOWN/CITY:
- Do your members want the new Phase II booklets? We hope you all say yes to this! They can give them to friends and family; put them in their businesses; use at events; give out to retirement villages etc. Click here to fill out your request now.
- Would churches in your area like to work together to distribute the new Phase II booklets to your entire town/city? This is entirely optional. DETAILS: You would need to appoint someone to coordinate this and you must do all of your town/city upto the 100 km boundary. Note that this does not save us money – It (a) gets your members more involved & (b) gives you control of the ‘accuracy’ of local delivery. Talk to us this fortnight about this.
- Will your local churches deliver the brand new Phase II booklets to people in houses with ‘no circulars’ stickers on their letterbox? While this is an option, we would definitely like for you to do this! DETAILS: You would appoint someone to coordinate this for your area and we will send you a script for those going to houses to use, and enough booklets for your nominated area. Talk to us this fortnight about this.
REGARDING FINANCES: Can your church make a donation this financial year toward Phase II? In this months leadership meeting please discuss making a contribution for this Phase in May and the same for Phase III next year. Three phases means that NZ homes hear the message of Jesus three times!
PREPARE YOUR MEMBERS TO ENGAGE IN A MEDIA INSPIRED CONVERSATION at https://alltogether.co.nz/equipping-videos/.
Let’s make the most of this opportunity!