Christianity — a necessarily historically rooted faith The Apostle Paul’s said in 1 Corinthians 15:14, “And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith” (1Corinthians 15:14 - NIV). Christian...

(The below is a summary of a summary by Chuck Colson from the book How Now Shall We Live? in which he assessed the benefits and weaknesses of religious beliefs on human behaviour, and against...

What one concludes is a matter of personal choice, but it is a hot debate because everything in Christianity hangs off Jesus’ resurrection. As the itself Bible says, “…if Christ has not been raised, our...

Currently I am working on writing a series of booklets which will seek to communicate information many Christians are familiar with, but which the popular media will not communicate because of its prejudice against Christian...

Is our salvation as secure as the modern Church believes it to be? I wrote this reflection to myself some time ago, after visiting a Church and feeling uncomfortable with the 'soft' message I heard from...

This past week I drafted a booklet on faith attrition among our young. The week before I was very pleased to complete a first ‘Great Commission Series’, which is intended as a preaching resources for...

General William Booth said these words. “What is your duty here? Oh that you realized your true business in this region of death! Having eyes, oh that you could see! Having ears, oh that you could...

After many months of thought, preparation and transitions, we are finally at our ‘destination’. in NZ In a new city, and a home of our own (our first family home) With a new (third) son (less than 2...