Gospel Tag

In setting up this website I put a catch-phrase under the ministry’s name: Shining Lights.co - Helping the Church see afresh what a great ‘product‘ it has. It was suggested by some that the use...

(Pic: Jon, Ethan and friend Janelle - in a ‘playground’ helicopter) After about eight and a half years in Singapore, today we return to NZ for a new chapter in our lives. As I awake (miraculously...

Yesterday was an exciting day for me. My first book was officially launched, being published by Campus Crusade for Christ, Singapore (and the place looked good, thanks to my wife, heather, plus the food good,...

As a brief addition to the previous blog, which addressed the ‘macro’ perspective of the five ‘offices’ discussed, I reflected that at a local Church level this has significance also (a brief reflection here only). If...

Preamble What an interesting question. I’m sure there could be a good variety of answers (I may request answers from ministry friends on this question to place in this blog at a later date). Here are two answers 1....

What kind of things could we say when we preach the gospel? What things should we say? And how should we say them? An easy answer is found in Acts 2 and 3, looking at two...