The need for praying partners
Currently I am traveling to share the vision of a project planned for 2014 called ‘Jesus - all about hope.’ The website for this can be viewed at Meeting with groups of pastors in different...
Currently I am traveling to share the vision of a project planned for 2014 called ‘Jesus - all about hope.’ The website for this can be viewed at Meeting with groups of pastors in different...
Charles Spurgeon said, regarding Open Air Preaching One of the earliest things a minister should do when he leaves college and settles in a country town or village is to begin open-air speaking. No sort of defense is...
(The below is a ‘article’ drafted for something else, but which I may or may not include, as it is quite direct. Be warned that it asks some hard questions that most avoid, or maybe...
“By this will all men know you are my disciples – your love for one another.” (Jesus, John 13:35) Christians are supposed to be different to those around them. They are supposed to be even more...
I am reading a 20 year old book (“Vision New Zealand”, 1993). It reflects on what is needed in evangelism in New Zealand, and is very thought provoking - as much as anything because the...
This morning I started reading ‘New Vision New Zealand’, published in 1993. It was compiled by various national Christian leaders at that time, with Rev Dr Bruce Patrick being one of the key initiators. The...
This week we have finally announced the ‘Hope Campaign’, which we (Shining Lights) plan to do in 2014 (God willing). I’ve created temporary webpages for this at The weakening of proclamation ministry Many ‘proclamation’ ministries have become...
Here is a useful little bit of information. It is rare that we would need such knowledge - but more people would have doubts relating to such things than we would think. It’s just that...
This is a ‘Shining Lights’ Vision update (not a regular blog thought) It is with excitement that I come into the office this morning. The plan in starting toward this ministries vision was that the first...
Currently (in spare moments) I’m re-writing a booklets which is a part of a series on reasons for faith. The below is one of the points I’m having to summarise - and is good stuff...