Four national goals that can be easy wins – together
Here are some of our 'easiest wins' as churches together - by working 'in unison' toward shared goals. But we can only lead what we can 'see'. Can you 'see' this?...
Here are some of our 'easiest wins' as churches together - by working 'in unison' toward shared goals. But we can only lead what we can 'see'. Can you 'see' this?...
Our united efforts in cites and towns have been hindered by the differing vocabularies re 'unity' of our church movements. That has changed! This chapter summarises an articulation that is now agreed upon by pastors'...
As our nation's pastors' groups increasingly accept that there are necessary things we can do together but not apart in our cities and towns, how on earth are we to juggle or manage this?...
When public media seem to only tell your negative stories, what are you to do? Stay silent? What if there was a way to to tell your story yourself?...
Would you like your outreaching efforts and focused challenged or provoked - to grow? Check out our 2022 'Outreach Today' magazine....
What if global leaders are being honest? If you suspect significant change is coming, how could you prepare members to thrive - without saying what you suspect?...
A profound reconciliation between Māori and the wider Church has been taking place under our noses. Here's how it is happening....
As part of Hope Project Christmas here are some adaptions of existing ideas that we (the Hope Project team) think could really work. This is about nothing more than getting a little bit creative...
If you believe it is important for local pastors to engage with local kaumatua, here are a few tips that might help your group with this - because it really is important! (And the article...
In connecting with pastors' groups across the nation this year I've identified some 'threats' to the bicultural journey we are on together. Here is what they are - and how we could address them together....