
Engaging your world one conversation at a time

Spiritual leadership is about love and faith! These are the greatest things any pastor or leader can offer their members. It is about love, because our example that will speak the loudest in our discipling...

Spiritual leadership is about love and faith! These are the greatest things any pastor or leader can offer their members. It is about love, because our example that will speak the loudest in our discipling...

Spiritual leadership is about love and faith! These are the greatest things any pastor or leader can offer their members. It is about love, because our example that will speak the loudest in our discipling...

The Cornerstone series is a new set of discipleship teachings available at 'An overview of the message of the Bible' is currently available if you click 'progress' at the bottom of the page. It...

Spiritual leadership is about love and faith! These are the greatest things any pastor or leader can offer their members. It is about love, because our example that will speak the loudest in our discipling...

Spiritual leadership is about love and faith! These are the greatest things any pastor or leader can offer their members. It is about love, because our example that will speak the loudest in our discipling...

Spiritual leadership is about love and faith! These are the greatest things any pastor or leader can offer their members. It is about love, because our example that will speak the loudest in our discipling...

Spiritual leadership is about love and faith! These are the greatest things any pastor or leader can offer their members. It is about love, because our example that will speak the loudest in our discipling...

Dear Church Partners, Phase II is going brilliantly. We’re hearing from all over the nation of people coming to faith, considering faith and visiting churches. TV ad 2 which connects to social media started on Sunday 30th...

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Dear Church Partners, Idea #5 to help you help your members engage with this opportunity: Show these in your coming church service TV Ad 2 to air 31 May - 13 June. HopeProjectNZ Facebook - get everyone to...

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Spiritual leadership is about love and faith! These are the greatest things any pastor or leader can offer their members. It is about love, because our example that will speak the loudest in our discipling...

Dear Church Partners To help you help your members engage with this opportunity: Idea #4 Play a couple of the new ‘Faith Q&A’ videos which explain why we trust the Bible*. You could include the weblink in your bulletin...

Dear Church Partners New Media: Polished and NEW HopeProjectNZ Facebook page! Idea #3 to help you help your members engage with this opportunity: Why not play the video versions of the two powerful stories that were...

Spiritual leadership is about love and faith! These are the greatest things any pastor or leader can offer their members. It is about love, because our example that will speak the loudest in our discipling...