30 Oct, 2024 Applauding a new national gospel effort

Applauding a new national gospel effort

Great data. What next?

I am blown away by an outstanding gospel effort that is taking place in our nation currently.


Introducing Josh

Josh is a non-assuming thirty-something young married American with a couple of kids. He is a polite Jesus-loving American who has moved to New Zealand as a ‘missionary’ to plant churches in rural areas. He is funded for this by his home church in America, which is an ‘Independent Bible Baptist church’ by flavour.

The ‘Independent Baptist’ DNA is strongly Bible based and gospel-focused, believing in the autonomy of the local church and of the importance of diligently-considered Biblical doctrine.

What stands out to me most is that Josh has sought not attention or praise for this effort, which he has coordinated. There is no website or webpage promoting the effort, or credits to his name – or even to their church or denomination. It is about Jesus and the gospel.

(**The back of the Bible rightly references the church in Tauranga that support him in this, giving the public an ability to know who is behind it – yet without any website except the below-mentioned gospel one).

This is admirable at the highest level!

A gospel effort reflecting audacity, faith and generosity of this

Josh saw a gap and an opportunity, and so he undertook a NATIONAL GOSPEL PROJECT – to get two full books from the Bible in to EVERY POSSIBLE HOME VENTURE in New Zealand!

This is audacious faith, to say the least!

With printing gifted via an American ministry who print for connected charitable gospel projects – and national post/distribution paid for by his home church – they are distributing the Gospel of John, PLUS Book of Romans, INCLUDING a simple gospel explanation to well-over 1 million (and they hope eventually 1.7m) NZ homes.

  • See images on this page. It’s excellent designed and presented.


What stands out to me here is the organisational simplicity and generosity of this. Our own annual Easter ‘Hope Project’ effort is maybe 1/4 of the budget, and an enormous effort by all comparisons to coordinate or see enabled.

Progress in the distribution

At this point (30th October, 2024) they have covered the North Island – except Auckland and Wellington.

  • They next cover the South Island – except Christchurch.
  • They will then consider these three big cities.
  • This includes all rural areas.

Like Hope Project has had to wherever engaging with paid deliveries, they have had to accept a reasonable percentage of ‘error’ in the deliveries.

  • I didn’t personally receive a copy – as also the local pastor encouraging this effort here in Tauranga.
  • But my Mum did down in Hāwera, and one of our board members immediately knew what I was talking about when I highlighted the effort at our recent SLT meeting.

A remarkably gracious KINGDOM effort

What is especially of note is that they don’t promote their own church or movement / ‘denomination’. This effort is marked by humility.

  • The website goes singularly to a beautiful and simple gospel presentation with a ‘chat’ option if someone wants to ask a question.
  • This is about Jesus!


In summary of this effort…

Our nation has been blessed by a remarkably generous-hearted Kingdom venture, that is national in scale – and achieved via one bold young individual and the generosity of his home church in America.

Response: Let’s thank God together for this amazing servants of his, and the generosity of his church, placing God’s Word itself in the homes of your community.

Could it be that God saw this as a need – while none of us initiated the effort? Whatever the case, this is a remarkable accomplishment and a blessing of eternal significance!



Heavenly Father, we thank you for the way your work – filling gospel gaps even where we are unable to or do not see them. We thank you for these very generous and also bold gospel servants, who have sought not attention for themselves or credit.  Please bless this effort, that many would open this publication to read your Word, then hearing the whispers of your Spirit and being drawn to yourself!



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DAVE MANN. Dave is a networker and creative communicator with a vision to see an understanding of the Christian faith continuing and also being valued in the public square in Aotearoa-New Zealand. He has innovated numerous conversational resources for churches, and has coordinated various national nationwide multimedia Easter efforts purposed to open up conversations between church and non-church people about the Christian faith and its significance to our nation’s history and values. Dave is the Producer of the ‘Chronicles of Paki’ illustrated NZ history series created for educational purposes, and the author of various other books and booklets including “Because we care”, “That Leaders might last” and “The Elephant in the Room”. Married to Heather, they have four boys and reside in Tauranga, New Zealand.

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