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Recently I was approached by a young man at a conference I was speaking at who asked if he could take a few minutes to share ‘The Four Fields’. I had no idea what it...

Most evangelism methods involve us learning to talk. Even when we are taught how to start a conversation, the goal usually still - you guessed it – learning how to create the opportunity for us...

Last month we discussed postmodernism in our culture. This month we are going to consider the scary possibility that postmodern beliefs might be significantly inside our churches....

Last month I shared a few thoughts concerning what you can do to feed the flame of evangelism. I encouraged you to 1. Look for places where a missional fire is already burning. 2. Consider...

I was excited when I first picked up the newly printed copies of ‘The Elephant in the Room’. So many churches are struggling with evangelism, and the question is, 'Why?' 'What is going on?' This...

Maintaining missional motivation in a church requires regular feeding of its missional fires. If fuel is not added to missional intent the fire will die down and instead of having a church roaring with evangelistic...

If we are honest, outreach is not really the focus of many of our Western churches. A study in the UK in the early 2000's revealed that of 1017 churches, only 36 of them had...