AllTogether Insights

I just met with Russell - the pastor of Ranui Baptist. This church is rare in that people are choosing to embrace Christian faith there regularly, and the only 'strategy' apparent is that the members and...

Educational experts — like teachers — have known for years the importance of repetition in education. The spiral curriculum is a concept of repetition. Every week, month and year teachers intentionally repeat and expand upon...

THE ‘HOPE PROJECT’ — NEW ZEALAND The below are a few paragraphs written for for a Christian audience, to help someone explain the Hope Project effort so far. What they do not communicate in the ‘balanced’...

Our team are very happy with the first effort. Assessment has identified areas that need addressing. The primary of these is the low web interaction / high bounce rate (meaning that many who came to...

After the most hectic year of my life the first phase has been achieved, and my mind has space to reflect on things other than only ‘core business’ - like blogs. For me, a big thank...

A reflection by Dave Mann, Hope Project Coordinator It is a matter of integrity to me that I’m open about this, because I don’t want to ever be accused of leading people ‘down the garden path.’...

(A reflection on where equipping such as that contained in the mini-equipping seminars might lead us) Noting the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19-20, our ‘come to us’ efforts (personal witness to friends, including invitations to them...

When many people hear about oral traditions being passed down through generations, the children’s game of ‘chinese whispers’ comes to mind. Imagine a dozen children sitting in a circle. They whisper a message, one to...

Does Jesus being the ‘Son of God’ mean he’s not God, or less than God? If there is only one God, and Jesus is His Son – does’t that logically mean Jesus is not God? This...

Today, the book arrived from the printers! :-) This book is needed! [To type what is on my heart] I find myself sometimes very stirred by the seeming lack of concern for the work of the Gospel...

What is God’s provision? Isaiah 41.17-20 This project has been helpful for our reflection on on this because we have, thus far, had a remarkable absence of donations from wealthy individuals. I have no explanation for...

The below is effectively what I’ve shared in our recent prayer update. I have travelled three of the past four weeks, presenting in North Auckland, Northland, and Manawatu / Wanganui. Mr Kim Brown has also started...

A year out from the Hope Project we find ourselves praying alone. Were it a church putting this together there would be a congregation gathered to pray and celebrate what is being believed for in...

Every now and then you read something that blows your mind. I love the Kinesins, these being the miniature ‘couriers‘ inside our cells that, amuzingly, each have two arms and two legs (yet are actually complex...

For those who know the gospels, you will know the story of the Syrophonecian woman who came to Jesus requesting her daughter be healed. EM Bounds says “He prays not at all, who does not press...

Many times in Scripture we see the ‘greats of faith’ laying it on the line - taking a risk - applying their faith in a way that leaves the possibility of failure wide open. It took...