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Some see this as a challenge. We see it as a privilege and divine opportunity!...

This article is an invitation to you to join us in some simple efforts that could help to bring nativity scenes back into view. We are aware that the nativity story naturally springs from and...

While the Church is no longer in the majority in our nation, Mann believes it could yet become an effectively activated minority, with positive outcomes....

Many say they want the Christian Church to have a clearer voice in the public square - but what would it take to achieve this? The solution isn't a 'programme' or new 'ministry' -...

The winter months are a good time to assess the health and direction of your church, and to build into areas that are weak. Here are seven things you could build into this winter....

A summary on the outcomes of Hope Project Easter in 2019, a re-articulation of the wider goals this effort sits amongst, and a strategic analysis of the challenge facing the future viability of efforts like...

We believe Te Reo Maori is a language to be treasured, and that the speaking of a little is to be encouraged, with our bicultural heritage as a backdrop. While most will never speak fluently,...

Many are wondering how seriously they need to take all this talk about biculturalism. Clearly, some are becoming a lot more 'bicultural' within our nation. How important is its, and specifically - how important for...

What would you say if invited to speak to a global audience of 1.9 billion? Speaking Christian messages in secular places is a skill - and Michael Curry just pulled it off with brilliance. Let's...

While it's not something most of us would think to talk of very often, the implications of denying God are rather all-encompassing. Here's a reflection on one rather large problem that results from the denial...

As part two of my Waitangi day reflection I share about three areas of cultural change in relation to our nations uncomfortable bicultural identity. Some may find this hard to digest - but the implications...

To get different results in our nation our churches need to think differently. In our 2017 travels we shared about 6 areas with pastors' groups - showing them how they could restore the pubic visibility...

Be challenged by this a 45min presentation by Dave Mann on cultural changes within New Zealand that are affecting the Church, along with a suggested direction for new response. ...

What if we worked together? What if we could unite in 3 national media efforts? What might the communication structure this created then enable? What if pastors' groups could learn from each other - and...

What if churches worked together in a greater way in our nation's cities and towns? This video reveals an amazing example of coordinated united effort happening right now in Florida!...