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As part two of my Waitangi day reflection I share about three areas of cultural change in relation to our nations uncomfortable bicultural identity. Some may find this hard to digest - but the implications...

To get different results in our nation our churches need to think differently. In our 2017 travels we shared about 6 areas with pastors' groups - showing them how they could restore the pubic visibility...

Be challenged by this a 45min presentation by Dave Mann on cultural changes within New Zealand that are affecting the Church, along with a suggested direction for new response. ...

What if we worked together? What if we could unite in 3 national media efforts? What might the communication structure this created then enable? What if pastors' groups could learn from each other - and...

What if churches worked together in a greater way in our nation's cities and towns? This video reveals an amazing example of coordinated united effort happening right now in Florida!...

Culture doesn't just change by itself. It is often changed. Read on to hear about what others are doing for their causes - and then to consider what we could do. We are not powerless...

While some great things are happening, the Christian Church is continuing to lose ground in New Zealand. But we are not powerless. I believe a respectful Christian voice needed in the public square, but what...

About 90% of those who come to faith do so before the age of 20 - while youth ministry attendance in NZ is at about 1/3 to 1/4 of what it was 25 years ago....

Not all resources are equal - and I believe this new resource is one of the most strategically significant for outreach in our nation at this time, and that every church needs a copy (and...

What is the purpose of a geographic pastors' group? Does a local pastor have to be involved? We've been discussing this with scores of pastors' groups this year - and its been a really intriguing...

Views of the Treaty of Waitangi range in NZ from negative to neutral to positive. However, as Christians we should celebrate (not just commemorate) Waitangi. Here are two simple reasons....

From all that I am aware of online, it doesn't get any better than the YesHeIs FB app (and this is not an over-statement)....